Welcome to Year 5!
In Year 5 at Stockton Wood, we Lay the Foundations for Life.
Year 5 Staff:
5H: Mrs Holland
5M: Miss Martin
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rogers
Information for Parents
Welcome to the class page for Year 5! Our curriculum provides your child with
the essential knowledge and skills they need later in life to succeed. Our
learning opportunities across the curriculum develop enquiry skills, promote
reasoning and problem solving, nurture social and emotional wellbeing and
encourage your child to be independent learners underpinned by our school
values of resilience, tolerance and mutual respect.
Year 5 Timetable
We have the core subjects English (Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing)
and Maths. They include fluency practise to secure basic skills.
We also enjoy the wider curriculum subjects: Science, Computing, French,
History, Geography, Religious Education, PHSE, Art, Design and Technology,
Music and Physical Education throughout the year.
5H Swimming Day: Wednesday
5M Swimming Day: Thursday
We kindly request that your child’s swimming kit includes:
navy blue or black swimming costume or trunks (no shorts),
swimming cap, towel and goggles (optional).
General Reminders
Reading is at the heart of everything we do, so please try and read with your
child every night to help them to develop their reading fluency and build their
vocabulary. Reading books are changed on Wednesdays, but your class teacher
can change your book again if you have been a reading enthusiast at home!
Your child can bring a water bottle to school, containing water only.
Homework is set weekly on RM EasiMaths, Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling
Shed. Additional tasks can be uploaded to Microsoft Teams. Look out for
homework projects too – a chance for you and your child to get creative at
Please keep practising your timetables up to 12 x 12 so that you are fluent, fast
and confident.
Class Dojos are used to celebrate achievements and praise efforts!
Stay Connected!
For more information about our curriculum in Year 5, please click to view our
overview document and parent information booklets that we send home each
half term.
To keep up to date with our learning, achievements and school events don’t
forget to check our Twitter Page @Y5StocktonWood.
Meet The Teacher Powerpoint Autumn 2024
Curriculum Overview Year 5-2024-25
Year 5 Spring 1 2025 Homework Matrix