
At Stockton Wood the writing curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all children. We have carefully adopted and adapted the Ready Steady Write scheme, as it provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful writers, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.
Stockton Wood Handwriting Policy
Stockton Wood Presentation Policy
Stockton Wood Presentation Expectations Nursery
Stockton Wood Presentation Expectations EYFS
Stockton Wood Presentation Expectations KS1
Stockton Wood Presentation Expectations Lower KS2
Stockton Wood Presentation Expectations Upper KS2
Non-negotiables at Stockton Wood
Ready Steady Write Curriculum Coverage
English – Writing Chatter

Collaboration and communication in action!

5M helped each other to improve their writing by sharing ideas and giving feedback. Some used a dictionary to check difficult spellings.

Partnership Week – USI
It was lovely to share stories and examples of pupils writing with United School International this week. 1J Stockton Wood met 1D United School International.

Analysing the text!
This morning, 5M discussed the writers knowledge, the structure and the language features of our example text in English.

Year 5 – Global partnership
5M are creating newsletters for children in Year 5 at United School International in Doha. They are sharing information about life at Stockton Wood and life in Liverpool. We can’t wait to find out about life in Qatar.

Y2 Spellings
2D have been learning the “dge” and “ge” spelling patterns by spelling them on each other’s backs and hands

Cross curricular writing!
This week, 5M have been developing their writing skills in French.