A Quiet Place

We have a special place at Stockton Wood – ‘A Quiet Place’.
‘A Quiet Place’ helps children and families to develop emotional intelligence and to manage their well-being through stories, drama, art, aromatherapy and relaxation sessions. Everybody benefits from ‘A Quiet Place’ at Stockton Wood – children parents and staff!
‘A Quiet Place’ provides:
Individual interventions and support to develop emotional intelligence and to manage feelings
Class relaxation sessions
Adult relaxation sessions
Ready Steady Learn sessions – children listen to relaxation music while Audry (our psycotherapist) or Ready Steady Learn leaders guide them in taking gentle heart breaths (deep breaths), to use their imagination and to do gentle tai chi movements. These sessions take place during the day and help children to be calm, happy and alert and therefore ready to learn as lessons begin.
Emotional intelligence develops the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves and for managing our emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. Emotional intelligence helps our children to be ready to learn and to achieve.
‘A Quiet Place’ programmes focus upon:
Managing feelings

Resilience and empathy
Self esteem
Confidence and self awareness
Successful communication and relationships
‘A Quiet Place’ bodywork/massage:
Massage is an important part of A Quiet Place and is done with care to keep children safe. Much research shows the connection between touch, emotional health and well-being. Massage is offered in conjunction with a number of programmes to assist with relaxation and tension.
If you would like a member of your family to attend ‘A Quiet Place’ just ask a member of staff.