Year 4 Chatter

Inclusion at Stockton Wood
Year 4 had a fantastic Circle Time today discussing what inclusion looks like at our school. We used our IQM bear to help guide the conversation and share our ideas. 🐻✨ It’s wonderful to see such thoughtful reflections from our pupils!

Year 4 ~ History : DEVA Chester

Today, Year 4 had an exciting day in Chester. We learnt all about life in the Roman times and we even got to be a Roman soldier for the afternoon!
Year 4 had an exciting day exploring the Deva Roman Experience. We learnt about life during Roman times and we really enjoyed getting to be a Roman soldier going to battle.

multiplication and division
Year 4 have been enjoying Maths lessons this week. We have been using our resources to help with our multiplication and division.

Published Piece
This week, 4D have worked incredibly hard on writing their own mythical narratives. They should be extremely proud of their final pieces. 📚

Year 4 – Dogs Trust

Today we had an interesting session from the dogs trust. 🐕🦺🐩🦮 We learnt about how dogs use their senses and how to safely interact with dogs.
Exploring Nets – Year 4 DT

We’ve been exploring nets of 3D shapes ready to make our desk tidy.
DT – Year 4
Today we’ve been painting our desk tidies. We created them yesterday using nets for 3D shapes.

CO (Carbon Monoxide) safety assembly!
We learnt an important message today about Carbon Monoxide (otherwise known as CO) safety.
You can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it!
Homework task:
- Check if you have a CO alarm in your home!
- Make a note of the signs and symptoms to look out for and also the number to call if you suspect any CO in your home.

This week, we have been exploring structures in preparation for designing our own desk tidy. Today, we painted our final design. 4D created some very impressive structures.

Quiet Place
4D enjoyed giving each other a peer message in our whole class Quiet Place session today.