Our vision is to ‘Lay the Foundations for Life’ and ensure our children have developed skills for life. The EYFS/ National Curriculum provide the core material and expectations with regards to the children’s education and equality of opportunity.
In addition to this, we personalise our curriculum in response to our unique circumstances. For example, at Stockton Wood we have enhanced our curriculum with projects that promote communication skills and oracy; financial management skills (Life Savers) and Restorative Practice.
Our EYFS curriculum, planned core curriculum, creative curriculum framework and other aspects of provision within Stockton Wood embrace a set of drivers/strands that we have identified.
Key drivers/strands:
Facilitate learning and the breaking down of barriers to learning
Promote global awareness/ community cohesion (experience/enrichment/possibilities)
Create opportunity to develop talents/widen experiences
Secure essential skills of literacy and numeracy through cross curricular application
Promote and enhance curriculum through outdoor learning
Stockton Wood Personalised Curriculum 2021
Our Creative Curriculum, click on the year group below: