Literacy Chatter

Octopus Opener 🐙
We have been familiarising ourselves with our new driver text Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and learning lots of new vocabulary. Today, Octopus Opener helped us to sequence the events from the beginning of the story.

This morning, we have been learning another sound…i i insect! We had to work as a team to find the correct sound on the window

publishing our writing ✏️📝

This morning some of our children are publishing their very own story. It’s very exciting we can’t wait to see it finished.
Year 3 Performing Poetry
Today, Year 3 enjoyed performing and reciting the poems we have been exploring in lessons.

Published Piece
This week, 4D have worked incredibly hard on writing their own mythical narratives. They should be extremely proud of their final pieces. 📚

Year 2 Ready Steady Comprehension
What a lot of fun we had performing our poems in our session this morning. Lots of confident performances with lots of expression! I was very proud of all of the children- Mrs Kent 🙂

Y2 Spellings
2D have been learning the “dge” and “ge” spelling patterns by spelling them on each other’s backs and hands

5H Ready Steady Comprehension
5H enjoyed finding and discussing the writers knowledge in our example text. We are writing a report based on the Hound of the Baskervilles.