Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to the class page for Year 2!
Year 2 Staff:
2D: Mrs Daly
2S: Mr Saunders
Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Roberts
Information for Parents
Stockton Wood is a Restorative School. In Year 2 we use emojis to check-in to share how we are feeling and this helps us to manage our feelings.
The children are looking forward to a great year of learning, including listening to stories by new authors, learning outdoors, exploring the world around them as scientists and being physically active.
Class Dojos are used to celebrate achievements and praise efforts!
Year 2 Timetable
2D P.E Day: Tuesday
2S P.E. Day: Tuesday
P.E. kit includes: a plain white t-shirt, navy shorts/ jogging bottoms and a pair
of black pumps or trainers to take part in PE. Your child can come to school
wearing their P.E. kit on their class day.
General Reminders
Reading is at the heart of everything we do, so please try and read with your
child every night. Ask them questions about what they have read, encouraging them to talk about the book, whether it is a story or non-fiction. This will help them with their reading comprehension.
Reading books are changed weekly, but your class teacher
can change your book again if you have been a reading enthusiast at home!
Your child can bring a water bottle to school, containing water only.
Look out for our homework matrix! These activities will explore our wider curriculum, offer creative challenges and an opportunity to earn dojos!
Meet The Teacher Powerpoint Autumn 2024
Curriculum Overview Y2 2024-2025
Year 2 Spring 1 Homework Matrix 2025
Year 2 Autumn 2 Homework Matrix 2024
Year 2 Autumn 1 Homework Matrix 2024
Year 2 Chatter

Y2 Design Technology
We researched puppets and designed our own on the first day of DT week.

Y2 Spellings
2D have been learning the “dge” and “ge” spelling patterns by spelling them on each other’s backs and hands

Y2 music
We enjoyed our musical Monday listening to Brazilian music in the Resonate concert!

Y2 Computing
This week we explored using the microphone button to make our characters talk.

Year 2 Ready Steady Comprehension
What a lot of fun we had performing our poems in our session this morning. Lots of confident performances with lots of expression! I was very proud of all of the children- Mrs Kent 🙂

Year 2 Reading
Another fun time exploring books in our library, we even found books about the victorians which ties into our History topic all about Kitty Wilkinson.

Year 2 Music
2S love their weekly music session. Here we are warming up our faces and our voices ready to learn our new song ‘Music is in me.’ This songs requires a choral response which was tricky to learn.

Year 2 Computing
This week year 2 used scratch to programme two characters to talk to each other. We had to input what we wanted them to say, and also make the other character wait and then reply.

Y2 computing
Today 2D have worked with Mr. Moffatt to use Scratch Jr to make our characters talk, and even tell jokes!