Year 1 Chatter

Year 1 enjoyed using the glockenspiels to find a beat. I think we have some future musicians!

Year 1 Big Friday Quiz
Great teamwork today in class to retrieve lots of prior learning. Well done everyone!

Year One – Milo’s Money
Super sharing of ideas from Year One to answer key question number 3 – What can we use our money for?

publishing our writing ✏️📝

This morning some of our children are publishing their very own story. It’s very exciting we can’t wait to see it finished.
Year One – Computing
Great computing skills using Daisy Dino app to create simple algorithms. How did you make Daisy move across the screen?

Computing- algorithm

We enjoyed giving Daisy a command and making her move in different ways across the screen.
PSHE- ask permission before sharing

Today we watched a video about asking our friends permission before sharing videos or photos.
Year 1 Maths
1C worked really hard in maths this morning. We used concrete resources and pictorial representations to calculate near doubles. We will carry on with this learning next week!

Year One – DT KAPLA
Wonderful creations from Year One whilst exploring the KAPLA resource. Look at the amazing chairs and train tracks that have been created.

Partnership Week – USI
It was lovely to share stories and examples of pupils writing with United School International this week. 1J Stockton Wood met 1D United School International.