Maths Chatter

Subitising 3
Did you know…we can now subitise 3! This means, if we see 3 objects together, we no longer need to count them! We know there are 3 objects just by making links and noticing patterns.

multiplication and division
Year 4 have been enjoying Maths lessons this week. We have been using our resources to help with our multiplication and division.

Year 1 Maths
1C worked really hard in maths this morning. We used concrete resources and pictorial representations to calculate near doubles. We will carry on with this learning next week!

Year 5 – Concrete resources
5M used concrete resources in Maths today to help us add mixed numbers.

Year 5 CPA Maths!
5M consolidated their learning in Maths today, when they replaced the concrete resources with pictorial representations. This helped them to understand the mathematical concept further.

Big Cook, Little Cook
Have a look at our ingredients…what do you think is on the menu today? We had to listen really carefully to Mrs Sefton as she told us the steps of the recipe…