Welcome to the class page for Year 6!
At Stockton Wood, we Lay the Foundations for Life.
Year 6 Staff:
6B: Miss Buckingham
6MR: Miss Millican/Mrs Rufus
Teaching Assistant: Miss Buckley
Information for Parents
Stockton Wood is a Restorative School. In Year 6 we use emojis to check-in to share how we are feeling and this helps us to manage our feelings.
Y6 children can look forward to a great year of learning, including listening to stories by new authors, learning outdoors, exploring the world around them as scientists and being physically active.
In Year 6, your teachers will expect you to work hard and always try your very best. We will challenge you to reach your full potential but we will also support you when you need a helping hand!
Class Dojos are used to celebrate achievements and praise efforts!
Year 6 Timetable
6B P.E Day: Friday
6MR P.E. Day: Friday
P.E. kit includes: a plain white t-shirt, navy shorts/ jogging bottoms and a pair
of black pumps or trainers to take part in PE. Your child can come to school
wearing their P.E. kit on their class days.
General Reminders
Reading is at the heart of everything we do, so please try to encourage your child to read every night. Reading little and often will really help the children to make good progress.
Reading books can be changed as soon as they are completed.
Your child can bring a water bottle to school, containing water only.
Look out for our homework matrix! These activities will explore our wider curriculum, offer creative challenges and an opportunity to earn dojos!
Meet The Teacher Powerpoint Autumn 2024
Year 6 Chatter

Year 6 DT- Making pizza
6B planned and created their own pizzas, using skills such as kneading, chopping and mixing.

Year 6 – DT week
This week we have had great fun comparing, designing and making pizza.

CO (Carbon Monoxide) safety assembly!
We learnt an important message today about Carbon Monoxide (otherwise known as CO) safety.
You can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it!
Homework task:
- Check if you have a CO alarm in your home!
- Make a note of the signs and symptoms to look out for and also the number to call if you suspect any CO in your home.

Year 6 DT Week- Making Pizza
6B enjoyed researching different types of pizzas, focusing on the nutritional values and of course the taste!
6MR enjoying some live music
Today we enjoyed a concert from Resonate music, some great Latin vibes.

Year 6- Dogs Trust Assembly
Year 6 found the Dogs Trust assembly very beneficial, as it taught them how to approach a dog safely and what to do if an unknown dog approaches them.
Year 6 KinBall
We sent a Year 6 team to compete in a KinBall competition last week and we came second! Well done everyone involved.
Year 6 – Anfield – Diversity Workshop
This afternoon pupils from Year 6 went to Anfield to attend a Diversity Awareness Workshop. They asked some super questions and demonstrated a really inclusive attitude – we were really proud of them.

6B Shadow Experiment
6B investigated how shadows change size depending on the distance from a light source.
Big Friday Quiz
6B loved completing the Big Friday Quiz today- there was a lot of retrieval from within our year group as well as previous years!
Year 6 History
Year 6 identified the difference between Primary and Secondary sources during our history lesson this week. The sources were about the Slave Trade and the impact it had on people’s lives.