Lifesavers Chatter

Lifesavers Weekly Bank
We currently run our bank on a Tuesday. Members should bring their passbooks, wallets & money to school each Tuesday.
Year One – Milo’s Money
Super sharing of ideas from Year One to answer key question number 3 – What can we use our money for?

Year 3 Lifesavers
Year 3 have been working hard all week to earn ‘money’ for our Lifesavers lesson. During the lesson they had to decide what to spend their hard earned money on, things they need or things they want. We then discussed if they could save any of their money.

Life savers big question 3!
What can we use our money for?
We discussed how often we consider our life saver values when we make a financial decision and shared ideas of how to be generous, thankful and wise with money.
Many of our children said that they believe they should save for the things they want but only after spending on the things they need. Some said that they would like to give more to charity too.