Year 5 Chatter

5M – Important Reminder!

We’ve temporarily moved classrooms for the week!
New Location: KS2 intervention room
Date: 24/01/25
Thank you for your understanding and flexibility!
Miss Martin

Investigating materials
5M were exploring properties of different materials this afternoon, examining how their features make them suitable for various uses.

5M loved starting the day with a big Friday retrieval quiz to get everyone energised and excited!

Musical talent in 5M!
This afternoon, we were able to read and play music to go with the song that we learnt last week.

5H Heat insulation experiment
We enjoyed experimenting with different materials to see which was the best insulator. Tin foil and felt where great insulators!

Cross-curricular learning!
Today, 5M used an atlas to locate the place that the Muslim faith was founded.

Sharing knowledge in RE!
One of our pupils gave a fantastic first-hand insight into the Muslim faith during a Q & A session today.
Such a valuable way for children to learn from each other and celebrate diversity!

Life savers big question 3!
What can we use our money for?
We discussed how often we consider our life saver values when we make a financial decision and shared ideas of how to be generous, thankful and wise with money.
Many of our children said that they believe they should save for the things they want but only after spending on the things they need. Some said that they would like to give more to charity too.

Poetry performances
Today we performed poems that we have explored this week in our Ready Steady Comprehension sessions. We tried to use a range of expressive strategies to enhance our performance.

Cross curricular writing!
This week, 5M have been developing their writing skills in French.

Dogs Trust
KS2 had a lovely visit from Angela at the Dogs Trust this morning. We discussed how to be safe and kind to dogs out and about.

Year 5 – Concrete resources
5M used concrete resources in Maths today to help us add mixed numbers.

Year 5 – Computing
5M are making their own interactive pets this morning in Computing. Mr Moffat is very impressed with their coding skills!

Year 5 – Global partnership
5M are creating newsletters for children in Year 5 at United School International in Doha. They are sharing information about life at Stockton Wood and life in Liverpool. We can’t wait to find out about life in Qatar.

5H Ready Steady Comprehension
5H enjoyed finding and discussing the writers knowledge in our example text. We are writing a report based on the Hound of the Baskervilles.

Fun with Kapla in 5H
5H have enjoyed building and designing creations using KAPLA blocks. There were some wonderful structures!

CO (Carbon Monoxide) safety assembly!
We learnt an important message today about Carbon Monoxide (otherwise known as CO) safety.
You can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it!
Homework task:
- Check if you have a CO alarm in your home!
- Make a note of the signs and symptoms to look out for and also the number to call if you suspect any CO in your home.

5H Designing Buzzer Game
5H have designed their hand steady buzzer game, which they will be making tomorrow.

Practising our French in 5H
“Dans mon trousse j’ai…” Practising saying what he have in our pencil cases in French.

Analysing the text!
This morning, 5M discussed the writers knowledge, the structure and the language features of our example text in English.

Year 5 CPA Maths!
5M consolidated their learning in Maths today, when they replaced the concrete resources with pictorial representations. This helped them to understand the mathematical concept further.

Hard work pays off!
Out-of-school success for a proud member of 5M.
If you believe, you can achieve!