Welcome to Year 3!
Welcome to the class page for Year 3!
At Stockton Wood, we Lay the Foundations for Life.
Year 3 Staff:
Mrs McLaughlin (3M)
Miss McKay (3McK)
Teaching Assistants: Miss Ashe
We are going to have lots of fun learning across the curriculum. We will keep you updated with the fun and exciting things we get up to every day via our Twitter feed.
Please try and read with your child as often as possible. Focus on asking questions about their book as this will help them with their reading comprehension. Reading books are due in for changing on a Wednesday and given back out on a Friday.
Please come into school every day in full school uniform including suitable footwear.
Children can bring a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name and containing plain water.
PE kit consists of blue shorts (or joggers), a white t-shirt and pumps or trainers. Your child can come to school wearing their P.E. kit on P.E. day.
PE days: 3M & 3McK –
An optional homework matrix will be handed out at the beginning of each half term and shared on Twitter. Keep up to date with our latest news by following @Y3StocktonWood