Nursery Chatter

Nursery Places – April Intake
Is your child turning 3 soon? We only have 1 place available in our morning session! Please visit our school office for more information ☺️

Big cook, little cook
This morning, we have made our own sausage rolls! We brushed the milk onto the pastry, and rolled the sausage up! We can’t wait to eat them at snack time!

Subitising 3
Did you know…we can now subitise 3! This means, if we see 3 objects together, we no longer need to count them! We know there are 3 objects just by making links and noticing patterns.

Octopus Opener 🐙
We have been familiarising ourselves with our new driver text Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and learning lots of new vocabulary. Today, Octopus Opener helped us to sequence the events from the beginning of the story.

This morning, we have been learning another sound…i i insect! We had to work as a team to find the correct sound on the window

Chinese New Year
This morning, we have started our Chinese New Year Celebrations! We talked about all the special things that are done during this festival, and we found out the red is a special colour: it brings good luck! We used our fine motor skills to thread gold ribbon through our own red envelope and added a special coin 😋

What is safe to go into my body?
Last week, we talked about what was safe to go onto our bodies such as sun cream, soap, plasters. Building on our learning, this week we talked about what is safe to go into our bodies. We talked about medicine and how this is only safe when it is given to us by a trusted grown up. We also looked at vitamins and at first, we thought they were sweets! Vitamins and medicines come in special bottles and tubs with lids that we can’t do to make sure we don’t have too much.

Tasting Chinese food
Yesterday, we continued our Chinese New Year Celebrations and tasted some Chinese food! We tasted spring rolls, prawn crackers and rice! We even tried using chopsticks for the first time!

Our new sensory hideout!
We are so lucky to have been able to get a beautiful new sensory hideout! We noticed how the colours made beautiful patterns on the floor when the sun shone through 😍 ☀️

Our link school in Qatar
We were so excited to meet the children in Flamingo class all the way in Qatar! We sang some songs, read a lovely story and made some new friends 🥰 see you again soon Flamingo friends 🦩

Tubes + cars = FUN 🤩
We’ve made our own car tracks and tunnels with some tubes and boxes today! We balanced the tubes on the furniture and drove our cars down to see how fast they could go! We had to work as a team.

Big Cook, Little Cook
Have a look at our ingredients…what do you think is on the menu today? We had to listen really carefully to Mrs Sefton as she told us the steps of the recipe…