School Council


Welcome to Our School Council

At Stockton Wood Primary School, we believe that our ‘pupil voice’ is vital to shaping the educational experience and fostering a vibrant school community. Our School Council plays a crucial role in representing the views of our children, ensuring that everyone has a platform to express their ideas and concerns.

The School Council is made up of elected representatives from each year group, who work together to discuss important issues, plan events, and implement initiatives that benefit the entire school. Through this collaborative approach, we encourage children to take an active role in their education and school life.

At the start of each school year, we hold elections where children can vote for their peers to represent them as School Councillors. Those elected serve as councillors for the entire school year, taking on the responsibility of voicing the interests of their classmates and contributing to school improvement.

Our School Council is also committed to upholding and promoting British values within our school community. These values include:

  • Democracy: Our annual elections give all children the opportunity to vote for their representatives, ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and valued.
  • The Rule of Law: Our council members work within a clear framework of rules and responsibilities, promoting fairness and accountability.
  • Individual Liberty: We encourage children to express themselves freely and responsibly, making choices that contribute to their personal development and the wellbeing of others.
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance: The council fosters an environment where all children are respected, and differences are celebrated. We promote understanding and respect for people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

By participating in the School Council, our children learn the importance of leadership, teamwork, and community responsibility. They gain valuable experience in decision-making and develop a deeper understanding of how they can contribute positively to society.

We are proud of the work our School Council does and the role it plays in helping Stockton Wood Primary School grow and improve.

Watch this space for updates on upcoming events, initiatives, and the latest news from our School Council!