Year 3 Chatter

Year 3 Computing
3McK have been using the Makecode Editor on the Micro:bit website 👨🏼💻👩🏽💻 They looked at the similarities and differences between Madecode Editor and Scratch!

Year 3 Music
🎶Today 3McK had Music with Mr Wheatcroft. We continued practicing our recorders and learned the notes B A G 🎶

Year 3 Chess
Year 3 have been working hard with Mr Stoddart this half term. We have been learning new moves to develop our chess skills!

Year 3 Performing Poetry
Today, Year 3 enjoyed performing and reciting the poems we have been exploring in lessons.

Year 3 Lifesavers
Year 3 have been working hard all week to earn ‘money’ for our Lifesavers lesson. During the lesson they had to decide what to spend their hard earned money on, things they need or things they want. We then discussed if they could save any of their money.

Year 3 PE
Year 3 have been working hard developing their netball skills. Today we worked on shoulder and chest pass.

Dogs Trust
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed a workshop today with Dogs Trust. We learned how to correctly approach a dog and different ways to ensure we are safe around them.

Year 3 enjoyed interacting with Resonate’s Music performance with Borges and Machado. They took us on a musical trip to Brazilian Culture.

Year 3 enjoyed working together to build a selected structure with the KAPLA resources.

CO (Carbon Monoxide) safety assembly!
We learnt an important message today about Carbon Monoxide (otherwise known as CO) safety.
You can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it!
Homework task:
- Check if you have a CO alarm in your home!
- Make a note of the signs and symptoms to look out for and also the number to call if you suspect any CO in your home.

DT Week
Year 3 throughly enjoyed tasting different foods in Design and Technology this week 🥬🌽🧄🧀🍗🍖 We then made a healthy salad 😋