PSHE Chatter

Peer massage
Mrs Ritchie helped us use our massage skills that we have recently learned from Maria. We made sure to ask permission before we started 💆♀️

What is safe to go into my body?
Today, we talked about what is safe to go into our bodies. We know that food and drink are safe, but we must remember to ask adults first. We might think a bottle looks like it has juice, but we should check. We talked about how medicine is safe, but we should never take medicine without a grown up – only medicines that are meant to be for children are safe. We also had a go at opening a medicine bottle…but it was too tricky! The special lid is to keep us safe.

PSHE- ask permission before sharing

Today we watched a video about asking our friends permission before sharing videos or photos.
What is safe to go into my body?
Last week, we talked about what was safe to go onto our bodies such as sun cream, soap, plasters. Building on our learning, this week we talked about what is safe to go into our bodies. We talked about medicine and how this is only safe when it is given to us by a trusted grown up. We also looked at vitamins and at first, we thought they were sweets! Vitamins and medicines come in special bottles and tubs with lids that we can’t do to make sure we don’t have too much.

Life savers big question 3!
What can we use our money for?
We discussed how often we consider our life saver values when we make a financial decision and shared ideas of how to be generous, thankful and wise with money.
Many of our children said that they believe they should save for the things they want but only after spending on the things they need. Some said that they would like to give more to charity too.

Year 4 – Dogs Trust

Today we had an interesting session from the dogs trust. 🐕🦺🐩🦮 We learnt about how dogs use their senses and how to safely interact with dogs.
Dogs Trust
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed a workshop today with Dogs Trust. We learned how to correctly approach a dog and different ways to ensure we are safe around them.

CO (Carbon Monoxide) safety assembly!
We learnt an important message today about Carbon Monoxide (otherwise known as CO) safety.
You can’t see it, hear it, smell it, taste it or touch it!
Homework task:
- Check if you have a CO alarm in your home!
- Make a note of the signs and symptoms to look out for and also the number to call if you suspect any CO in your home.

Hard work pays off!
Out-of-school success for a proud member of 5M.
If you believe, you can achieve!

Quiet Place
4D enjoyed giving each other a peer message in our whole class Quiet Place session today.