Physical Development Chatter

Big cook, little cook
This morning, we have made our own sausage rolls! We brushed the milk onto the pastry, and rolled the sausage up! We can’t wait to eat them at snack time!

Chinese New Year
This morning, we have started our Chinese New Year Celebrations! We talked about all the special things that are done during this festival, and we found out the red is a special colour: it brings good luck! We used our fine motor skills to thread gold ribbon through our own red envelope and added a special coin 😋

Tasting Chinese food
Yesterday, we continued our Chinese New Year Celebrations and tasted some Chinese food! We tasted spring rolls, prawn crackers and rice! We even tried using chopsticks for the first time!

Den Building
We have worked hard to build a den using our words ending in ing such as: building, playing, pushing, pulling, clipping and covering.

Hard work pays off!
Out-of-school success for a proud member of 5M.
If you believe, you can achieve!

Big Cook, Little Cook
Have a look at our ingredients…what do you think is on the menu today? We had to listen really carefully to Mrs Sefton as she told us the steps of the recipe…