Welcome to Nursery!
Welcome to the class page for Nursery
At Stockton Wood, we Lay the Foundations for Life.
Nursery Staff:
Nursery Teacher/EYFS Lead: Mrs Ritchie
Nursery Nurse: Mrs Sefton
Information for Parents
Stockton Wood is a Restorative School. In Nursery, we use emojis to
check-in to share how we are feeling and this helps us to manage our
The children will be learning through play and listening to stories by new
authors, exploring the world around them through a range of exciting topics
and learning outdoors. They will also be making new friends and becoming
independent confident learners.
In Nursery, we begin our PSHE journey through SCARF. This teaches us
about how to stay safe, how to care for others, achievements, resilience
and friendships. This underpins our curriculum and supports positive
behaviour. We use kind hands, kind feet, and kind words at all times. We
do Good sitting, Good looking and Good listening.
We recognise that speech and language not only aids communication, but
is also the first step to achieving their very best in their learning and
development. We use WellComm assessment and intervention tools to
support the children in their communication and language development.
Nursery Intake
Children can attend our Nursery from the term following their third birthday.
We have three intakes throughout the year:
- September (for children that have turned 3 on or before 31st August)
- January (for children that have turned 3 on or before 31st December)
- April (for children that have turned 3 on or before 31st March)
Please fill an application form in as soon as possible to secure your child’s
place. Forms can be collected from our school office.
General Reminders
Please take time to encourage and develop your child’s independence at
home. Encourage using the toilet, correct hand washing/drying and also
putting on and taking off their coat.
Having a place in our Nursery does not guarantee a Reception place
here. Reception applications must be made via Liverpool City Council
Nursery Curriculum Overview 24-25
NURSERY-End of Year Expectations
Stay Connected!
To keep up to date with our learning, achievements and school events don’t
forget to check our Twitter Page @YNStocktonWood.