At Stockton Wood Primary School, we know that music has many benefits for the well being of the children that we teach. We believe that a singing school is a successful school. At our school we believe that children should be provided with as many opportunities as possible to listen to, appreciate and perform music. We are lucky to have a music specialist Mr Wheatcroft who provides extra-curricular music lessons to a number of year groups and delivers whole class lessons.
Below is an overview of what the children cover in each Key Stage.
Click on the link below to see our whole school music curriculum.
In Key Stage 1 the children will learn to use their voices to sing expressively through learning songs and chants linked to their topic. They will begin to develop an awareness of the different interrelated dimensions of music through listening to a range of live and recorded music, and exploring and playing tuned and untuned instruments, which will include contributing to group and class compositions. They will also have the opportunity to listen to and appraise a range of different genres.
In Key Stage 2 the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the different interrelated dimensions of music through composing and performing music linked to their topic, in addition to exploring music from other countries, cultures and that of great composers. In Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to take part in additional music lessons with our specialist Mr Wheatcroft.
Progression in music will be assessed through listening to musical responses and making regular video and audio recordings of their learning.