Numeracy for Life Quality Mark
*****UPDATE: We are GOLD *****
We are excited to announce that the school is involved in a new pilot project – the ‘Liverpool Counts’ Numeracy for Life Quality Mark. The quality mark wants to promote positive attitudes to numeracy as an essential life skill and not just to be used in the classroom.
At Stockton Wood we teach the pupils the importance of numeracy skills and how they are used consistently in everyday life.
NSPCC Number Day, Friday 7th February 2020. We will be making maths fun and making maths meaningful. Come and join us for ‘Stay and Play’ 9.00am to 9.30am
NEW : Maths Party Day 2019 Our Maths Party Day Menu 2019
NSPCC Number Day 2019 STAY and PLAY – thank you once again to all of our parents, carers and grandparents for helping to make it such a memorable morning.
MATHS PARTY DAY 2018 Maths party July 18
Maths Party Day 2017 Maths Party Day 2017
Maths Party Day Friday 17th June 2016
Keep looking here for resources and ideas to support your children”s maths at home:
BBC Bitesize App Download the new BBC Bitesize app here for activities for all age groups.
Virtual Bag 1 fun ideas to try at home.